Why Me?

Why Me?

I have been asking God the question, would you really call me, a business guy, to work with Indigenous people, missionary farming on an island?  I can’t understand this.  After my prayer time, about 1am, I was reading a Leonard Ravenhill book, Why Revival Tarries.  As I was reading I heard the Lord say, “your answer is on the next page, second paragraph.”  I turned in anticipation to this, here is what it read: “Friend, if you were as good at soul-cultivation as you are in developing your business, you would be a menace to the devil…”  God is so faithful to answer our insecurities.  This is just one of the many examples of God’s leading, I am so humbled the Creator of the universe takes time to speak to me.  Praise...



Today I registered for a week long course that teaches missionaries how to teach indigenous how to farm in the tropics – that’s a mouthful huh?  I’m super excited, the class is from January 8th-13th.  The class covers community health education, poverty mentality, appropriate technology (such as, solar power & composting toilets), and of course, tropical farming.  I can’t wait! More information: echonet.org FYI: I bought a one-way ticket to Fort Myers, FL because I’m still a little unsure as to where and when God wants me after the school...



As I prayed today, asking God to be specific on when we were to leave for wherever He calls us, He answered clearly, to the exact day.  But, because I am still weak in my faith, I asked God to give the date to Shirlene or the kids also – and I will tell no one the date unless it is confirmed by one of them.  Could this really be the date?  I am hopeful this date is from God.  Praise you God for Your answers. UPDATE:  He confirmed!  See the...

Together Sounds Better

Together Sounds Better

Our time in Virginia has been incredibly faith building.  We have bonded with other Christian families in our little group.  We meet together in each others homes, pray, worship, seek wisdom, words from the Lord – we function as Christ intended the body, or priesthood, is supposed to function.  Our time has grown our faith in God, our Biblical knowledge and our desire for Kingdom things.  Also during this time we feel an imminent calling by God.  One of the questions in our heart has been, can we venture out on God’s plan with another family or two?  Wouldn’t that be awesome! Many of the other families have expressed interest but the question is, what does God want? Through much prayer, we have received an answer.  We are to go alone. ...

Spiritual Covering

Spiritual Covering

Well God, if we’re heading off as “missionaries” we need to make sure we have a spiritual covering, right?  Yes, I am being sarcastic, but some of you reading this may be saying to yourself, yes.  But where in the Bible does it teach that? John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 5;19 So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise. Isaiah 61:1-3 1 “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, Because the LORD has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty...

Visiting West Virginia

Visiting West Virginia

We had a wonderful time as a family visiting Wade, his parents, sister and family.  It is always such an encouragement to be together in the Body of Christ.  Wade, Shirlene & I stayed up late talking about what we feel God has been speaking to us. At this point we feel a strong calling to Panama, which honestly, was not really on our radar but we told God we are willing to go anywhere and do anything that will glorify His name.  Sorting these things out with Wade was invaluable and was clearly a Divine appointment. What an awesome time discerning, learning and gaining wisdom from such a Godly man.  Wade and his family are actively serving as missionaries in Guinea...

The Costs?

The Costs?

So we’re called to be missionaries for Christ.  How do we cover the costs?  This has been a question I have asked the Lord.  How do you want us to pay for this new life?  I prayed this daily for a week or so, one night God answered, He said II Thessalonians 3:8.  Now, I had no idea what that piece of scripture said, so I looked it up: 2 Thessalonians 3:8 English Standard Version (ESV) 8 nor did we eat anyone’s bread without paying for it, but with toil and labor we worked night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you.   Wow, ok.  That is a clear answer.  I trust you God.  I trust in your perfect provision.  Your will be done.  Even more glory to be added to...

Isla Bastimentos Property For Sale

Isla Bastimentos Property For Sale

I made a random call to an ad that showed up on my screen while researching the cleaning of produce with hydrogen peroxide (long story).  The advertisement was for property in Panama, there were maybe eight properties listed but I was glued to the third one down, a piece of property on Isla Bastimentos, the same place where I just received an email response from a YWAM base wanting help!  After a couple of days with this ad up in one of my many Firefox tabs, I decided to call the realtor who ended up being the property owner, Bram. I talked with Bram for about two hours, we really hit it off, he shared about when he lived there, why he left, his dreams, life in Panama, etc.  He also offered the property at a huge discount because he sees that the needs of the...

YWAM Responses

YWAM Responses

Well, we have received some responses to our YWAM introduction email.  Some where copy-and-pasted “fill out our online application”, some had a question or two, and two really, really stood out!  YWAM Panama City and YWAM Bocas Panama.  Panama City would like to partner with business and integrate Biblical principles.  Bocas, apparently is on an island called Isla Bastimentos that is part of Panama in the Caribbean.  I honestly didn’t know that Panama had islands.  Their heart is to reach out to the indigenous, teach sustainable farming, share Christ, medical outreach, etc.  Can you say AWESOME!  Wow, that one really resonates with us.  God?  😉 UPDATE:  After a month we pretty much have only had real correspondence with the two...



As I was talking with Shirlene I was thinking potentially we should introduce ourselves to YWAM in Central and South America.  Introduce our little family, offer any skills we may have, and see where God leads.  I sent out ten email messages, hitting most of Central America and a few places in South America.  Right after hitting send I had this overwhelming feeling of regret.  From the beginning of the process of seeking God, His will alone, I have said I would not “make things happen”.  Which is hard for me and my personality, I like to make things come together.  But, I want God to lead, I will follow.  I only want to do what I see the Father doing.  I feel like I sent those messages to make things happen.  Lord, please forgive me, please...



Quite often I receive email or calls from people thinking I still work at US Digital.  This last week was no exception.  I received InMail from LinkedIn inquiring if I wished to be a part of a group that puts CEOs together to discuss things. I responded with my standard response, I’m no longer a CEO, no longer with US Digital, etc. I received a response from the gentleman, he still wanted to talk. I responded with, we could talk but…  I’m not a CEO, not making big bucks, not seeking to build my kingdom, only seeking to build God’s Kingdom, I’m a missionary in waiting, seeking the Lord on our next steps.  I thought, he totally won’t want to talk with me now.  😉 I received another response, he said, you’re where I...



Hello Family and Friends, I feel compelled to write this letter to you all of you to update you on our lives.  Much of this very long letter will be about me, Bobby, but as a family unit it really is an update about all of us.  Also, due to the fact my wonderful wife Shirlene is pretty much consistently perfect (and I really do mean that, although I am usually sarcastic, I’m straight up serious this time), there is less change to write about in her life, and since I am such a huge work in process, there is much more to write about me.  First off let me just say, I will not be offended if you don’t want to read the book I’m about to write, not many people have four or five free hours to sit and read.  😉 Over the past week I have felt that...

The Beginning of Our Blog

The Beginning of Our Blog

I never thought we’d have a blog.  I’ve always had a bad taste in my mouth about these types of things.  But, it is clear that God is calling us, most likely abroad.  And in order to keep in touch with our friends, family and people we meet along the way we have created this blog.  The purpose of this blog is to share what God is doing in our lives.  What He is saying, doing and where He is leading.  Its not always easy to share one’s thoughts, especially online, our thoughts on how we interpret the Bible, what God is saying and who God is – these are not things to be taken lightly.  All we desire is to please the one and only True Living God of the universe, to glorify only Him, and to share His great...