YWAM Responses

Well, we have received some responses to our YWAM introduction email.  Some where copy-and-pasted “fill out our online application”, some had a question or two, and two really, really stood out!  YWAM Panama City and YWAM Bocas Panama.  Panama City would like to partner with business and integrate Biblical principles.  Bocas, apparently is on an island called Isla Bastimentos that is part of Panama in the Caribbean.  I honestly didn’t know that Panama had islands.  Their heart is to reach out to the indigenous, teach sustainable farming, share Christ, medical outreach, etc.  Can you say AWESOME!  Wow, that one really resonates with us.  God?  😉

UPDATE:  After a month we pretty much have only had real correspondence with the two bases in Panama.  Half we never received a response on, some were canned responses, and others, after we answered their questions never emailed back.  Panama God?  Is this where you’re leading?



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