Almost Moving Day

We are soooo close!  We have been working, pushing and wanting to move now since we started the construction in December 2012.  Well, now it looks like we’re moving at the end of the week.  What a construction journey this is, huge ups and huge downs but in the end the Lord’s plan prevails.  We are so excited to build deep relationships with our new neighbors, to start reaching out with Community Health Evangelism, and Lord-willing, opening a medical clinic.  Please be in prayer for us, this journey is taken its toll on us, we are worn out, many new gray hairs for me (Bobby), and down to our last dollar – trusting God daily for His provision, which He has always provided.  We are so hopeful for the future, may God shine His light from this place piercing through the thick darkness!  We are so excited to continue to reach out to greater numbers of people and share God’s love!

This is a short and sweet blog post due to the fact we are in the middle of packing and wrapping up construction at the new property… we’re moving over into more camping like conditions, should be fun.  😉

Now bring on the photos!

We love and miss you all, maybe we’ll see those of you up in Washington soon… we’ll see.  😉


  1. Mom-Nancy Wood
    Jun 17, 2013

    Love to see all the photos and get an update from you guys!!! Sooooo excited to see you soon!!!! It’s been way too long. Love ya’s! Mom – Grandma

  2. Diane Hanson
    Jun 17, 2013

    Bobby and Shirlene, it’s always sooooo great to hear from you and yes, to see all the pictures. Just love them. Your family is simply beautiful and you two are amazing for what you have accomplished down there. The Lord has certainly blessed your efforts to serve Him in this area. It will be wonderful to see you here for a visit and I hope to be able to hear first hand about all you have done and plan to do in the future. I am praying for you all.

  3. Aidy
    Jun 17, 2013

    Wow you guys have made awesome progress. I can see there has been a ton of sweat and tears gone in so far! Gotta admit that it tugs at the heart-strings and that I would love to be there right now! Thanks for sharing the photos and giving us a glimpse into your lives. Im sure your super excited about moving in. I am, for you!! Bless you guys. Praying for ya all. Love you heaps!!

  4. Aidy
    Jun 17, 2013

    P.S Where is the pic of mommy on the horse??

    • Grammie
      Jun 17, 2013

      Hi! What fun you kids have! Boating, swimming, horse back riding, etc. Did you ever hear of anyone horse front riding? So excited to see all of you when you get to Wa. Buckets of love & Blessings.

  5. Alice Mathis
    Jun 17, 2013

    It’s so nice to see you guys are doing well. It looks like you have great friends to encourage you. I’m glad you are safe and healthy. I will be praying for your ministry. Let me know when you come to Washington and maybe speak at Cherry Grove Friends Church. So proud of you guys. Love, Alice

  6. Andrea
    Jun 17, 2013

    Dear ones, You, all five of you, have certainly proved that you are “true missionary grit” over and over throughout your Panama journey..(house to house to house) with all manner of “adventures” along the ever-surprising trails!!

    How wonderful the way you have persevered through it all! A testimony of Father God’s faithfulness, provision and loving care for the details to all who have been involved, and all who have watched you along the way.

    I apologize that I’ve not sent love and encouragement notes to cheer you on for these many months. Know that I did send missives heavenward… of praise and thanks for you, all that you’ve done, and how you have done it despite the daunting tests!
    Now you are in motion of a great culmination of your constant prayers, gi-normous amounts of work by you and so many others…Waaaa Hoooo! Glory to God who has brought you to this “broad place!” “The lines for you have fallen in pleasant places!”

    Glad to hear that you will be in the area sometime soon-ish! Hope to see you if possible! sent with love, andrea

  7. Janelle
    Jun 20, 2013

    Oh yeah! These photos are simply amazing- all that the Lord is establishing just thrills my soul! I am praying with you! Both to finish strong this transitional phase and for a much-deserved respite! May the Lord establish the works of your hands! Your posts always humble me and also thrill me! I can’t wait to hug each of you and tell you how much I admire and love you!

  8. Paula
    Jun 23, 2013

    So excited to see how far things have come for you all. Bobby I can still remember the first time you mentioned Bram’s property to David and showed us the web-site. Awesome to see how the Lord has truly brought it all to pass. We are so excited that you all will be able to go home this summer. We just wish there was a pitstop in Virginia (but we know your VA connection will be with you in WA!) We trust that our paths will all cross again one day soon. Have a great time at home and please try and relax (if you can!) xoxoxo Love to you all.

  9. Bonnie
    Jul 2, 2013

    Wow wow wow! Way to go God and you! Together you’ve made great things and I know are accomplishing much more in the hearts of men than is visible to our human eyes. Your trailblazing adventure is one to be admired and greater courage and strength than we will ever truly know. May He give you strength and grace work the many details in final preparation these last days before you come home to enjoy much needed rest, loving and BURGERS! 🙂 Praying for you and Love you mucho! oxox from us waiting with open arms to give you hugs in person… can hardly wait! 🙂

  10. Lyn
    Jul 9, 2013

    It is so good to see all the photos. You have done SO much work!! We are super proud of you. So wish we could come and visit. Sending MUCH
    love your way, Lyn

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